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Quicknote: Winget + ConsoleGUITools = TUI

Overall I like Winget , and the accompanying powershell module. Combine that module and the Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools module (which probably doesn't get enough love) and you get an interactive TUI for selecting which packages to update. Selecting available updates. While Installing: Installs complete. The quickie oneliner version: function WingetTUI{     get-wingetPackage | ? IsupdateAvailable -eq $true | ? InstalledVersion -NotMatch '<' |Out-ConsoleGridView | Update-WinGetPackage -Mode Silent }  It should be pretty straightforward to add a couple different functions for other operations such as uninstall, and provide better feedback. (The ability to quickly combine tools to fix a problem/make something easier is what I appreciate about Powershell or the Unix "tiny focused tools" philosophies. )

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