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Fun with Hyper-V .vhdx (Including "Failed to Power on with Error 'General access denied error' (0x80070005). )

#1 - Can't mount .VHD(X) files on anything other than NTFS that I have tried, not even ExFAT! #2 - You *CAN* use a symbolic link to a root VHD in one place, say a large HDD, so that the snapshots (and hence most of the write I/O) goes somewhere else. (Smaller SSD) C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual hard disks>mklink ServerEval.vhdx d:\SSDRedir\ServerEval.vhdx symbolic link created for ServerEval.vhdx <<===>> d:\SSDRedir\ServerEval.vhdx #2b - But permissions can get lost! has the details. Less-than-convenient part is that you can't copy the GUID from the pop-up error, have to grab it from event viewer, in Hyper-V Worker "Admin" events. (Thanks to ) C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual hard disks>icacls ServerEval* /grant "

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