Glue system/util/thing I love - Pashua - Quick Scripting of Mac dialog windows.
Mac-only: This one has a soft spot in my heart as I used it many years ago for adding a menu and rudimentary password protection to Netboot Deployments. (I could netboot and deploy our custom MacOS9 ASR image in under 10 minutes over 100MBit, if I recall correctly.) To my delight, I discovered it's still being maintained!
Pashua ( provides a pretty simple way of scripting dialog boxes, takes input, and send it back. Currently it has bindings for AppleScript, Shell, JavaScript for Automation (JXA), Perl, PHP, Python (even Python3!), Rexx (?!?), Ruby and Tcl.
Pashua ( provides a pretty simple way of scripting dialog boxes, takes input, and send it back. Currently it has bindings for AppleScript, Shell, JavaScript for Automation (JXA), Perl, PHP, Python (even Python3!), Rexx (?!?), Ruby and Tcl.
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